October 20, 2008

Squidoo - Make Money and Have Fun

I have to say that Squidoo has proven to be the most enjoyable, profitable, and enjoyable (emphasis on enjoyable!) internet venture to date. There’s virtually no commitment, unlike running your own ecommerce site or moderating a forum, and you get to take advantage of a huge list of excellent prebuilt tools that have been created by Squidoo.
An offer to you:
If you have not yet signed up for Squidoo, I will even make an offer to mentor you, by giving tips and explaining things about Squidoo. All I ask is that you do your best, be fairly patient, and sign up via my referral link (click HERE).
My Experience:
Currently, I have 2 lenses within the top 100, out of a total of over 700,000 lenses in existance. I’d say I’ve learned a thing or two by now.
In just the past few months of being an active member I consistantly make over $100 per month in Squidoo payments, not including affiliate royalties from Amazon, AllPosters, and others. It will only grow from there!
The Benefits:
There are so many ways to make money within Squidoo, it’s amazing. The nice thing is that you don’t have to sign up for any other affiliates, if you don’t want to. You can simply sign up for Squidoo and you will get a portion of the revenue.
If you don’t care to make money for yourself, you can also have your earnings automatically submitted to various charities too.
One of the benefits is the ability to focus on SEO down to the page level, unlike being concerned with entire sites. This really helps in understanding (better) the effects on on-page SEO and the value of backlinks and the internal linking structure.
The other is more from an affiliate point of view. you get to experiment with a multitude of different affiliate programs, most of them without signing up for anything. Just use Squidoo’s own affiliate modules and reap the rewards.
And last, but not least, you get to make lenses about whatever you feel like making. I look at many of the topics of my lenses as doing a “research paper”, in that I may not be an expert on the subject, but have a curiousity about it. I then research it and make an informative lens on the subject. By the time I’m done, I am quite familiar. All in all, it’s really fun!
I should also point out that the Squidoo community is very supportive and fun. It’s one of the best experiences you could have online.